The Sound Engine for Rockman 2 2016 Himajin Jichiku (Version 1.1 edited for translation clarity by NARFNra July 23, 2018 ) This document refers to the following URL: [Music Definition] $30A50 ... Addresses of the beginning of the music and SFXs (Stored as little-endian 2 byte pointers). ex.) $30A50: D6 8A ... Track 00 begins at $8AD6($30AD6). $30A52: 1D 8E ... Track 01 begins at $8E1D($38E1D). 0F marks the beginning of a song, it is followed by 5 addresses corresponding to each channel track. 0F (SQ1) (SQ2) (TRI) (NOI) (MOD) (MOD) shows where Modulation Difinition Table begins. [Notes] A note consists of a single byte found through (Y0 + XX). Y0 means the length of the note. It must be 40, 60, 80, A0, C0, or E0. ex.) 60 is twice as long as 40. 80 is twice as long as 60, and is 4 times as long as 40. For musicians, you can think of EO as a whole note, C0 as a half note, etc XX means the chromatic tone of the note. It must be 01 through 1F. 00 makes the note rest. (so 40, 60, 80, A0, C0, E0 are always rests of the specified length) The actual pitch of any particular note is XX plus a base key set by operation code 05. So for instance, if you've set 05 15, the base note is A-2, which would mean notes would be 81 - A-2 82 - A#-2 83 - B-2 84 - C-3 ... 8E - A#-3 8F - B-3 90 - C-4 And so forth. Thus, you should find the lowest note you'll need for a section and start from there to save space from having to change starting note all the time. In NOI, XX shoud be 01 through 0F. It means the tone of the note. [Operation Codes] Music is made of notes and operation codes. 00 to 3F are operation codes. 00 XX ... Sets a tempo. As XX increases, track speed slows. 01 XX ... Sets a pitch envelope. XX means the amount of change per frame. A plus value(00 to 7F) makes the note lower, a minus value(FF to 80) makes higher. 02 XX ... Sets a duty cycle (timbre) of the track. In SQ1 and SQ2, XX shoud be 00, 40, 80, or C0. (12.5%, 25%, 50%, and 75% pulse widths) In NOI, XX shoud be 00 or 80. (the two types of Noise the NES can produce) In TRI, this does nothing, so it should be omitted. 03 XX ... Sets a volume. Here referred to as max volume. In SQ1, SQ2, and NOI, set this using 31 - 3F (3F being max, 31 being minimum but not silent) This writes bit5-0 of XX on the bit5-0 of APU register $4000, $4004, $400C. In TRI, set 00-7F to set note length (larger value means to play longer). Setting 80-FF, the note will never stop playing. This writes whole XX on APU register $4008. 04 NN XX YY ... Loop operation. This means to jump to $YYXX NN times. If NN is 00, this always jumps. 05 XX ... Sets a base note on the chromatic scale. Setting at 05 0A will make X1 notes the lowest starting notes that can actually play on the NES - A-1 in trackers like Deflemask. Each increase goes up by one half step, e.g. 05 0B starts with A#-1, 05 0C starts with B-1, 05 0D starts with C-2, etc... The actual note that XX refers to is written at the below URL. (I have added an additional copy to the end of this file.) 06 ... A following note becomes dotted. (Its length is multiplied by 1.5x) 07 XX Y0 ... Sets a volume envelope. Bit7 of XX is the direction of the change. 0 is increase, from 0 to max volume. 1 is decrease, from max volume to 0. Y0 is the amount of the change per bit6-0 of XX frame(s). Examples: 07 81 10 - Bit7 is 1, so it's in the 80-FF range and the volume goes down from the max Bits 6-0 are 01, so the change in Y happens every frame Y0 is 1, so the volume changes by 1 every frame So this is an instrument that starts at the full volume and decays 1 every frame 07 84 20 - This note starts at full, and decays by 2 every 4 frames 07 02 40 - This note starts at 0 and goes up by 4 every 2 frames etc 08 XX ... Selects a Modulation Definition (from the table at the end of the song). It must be 00 through 3F. 09 ... End of the track. Only used for songs of finite length, obviously, but useful in testing to stop the game from crashing. 2X ... 20-27 means tie. Following X+1 notes are tied. ex.) "22 42 41 40" will play a note three times as long as normal 42. technique) "21 68 08 01 68" will change Modulation Difinition from the middle of the note. 30 ... A following note will play a little shorter. This is useful for tuplet notes. [Modulation Definition Table] This defines WW XX YY ZZ. WW XX ... This is pitch bend, useful for vibratos. Pitch is changed bit7-5 of XX per bit6-0 of WW frame(s). If pitch is changed bit4-0 of XX time(s), the direction of change will be inverted. YY ZZ ... This is volume modulation. The volume will be changed from 0 to max volume, ZZ per bit6-0 of YY frame(s). bit7 of YY is the first direction of the volume mod. 0 is increase, then decrease. 1 is decrease, then increase. To disable all Modulation, write 00 00 80 00. ex.) $8E15: 00 00 80 00 02 62 80 00 Two Modulations are defined. #0: 00 00 80 00 ... Both pitch and volume modulations are disabled. #1: 02 62 80 00 ... Pitch modulation is enabled. Freq. = 2, Amount = 3, Repeat = 2 Usage of this Modulations: 08 00 41 ... Play 41 with Modulation #0, normal 41. 08 01 41 ... Play 41 with Modulation #1, pitch modulated 41. [SFXs Definition] X0 0Y says that the SFX begins. X0 is the strength of the SFX. The larger X is, the less the SFX is likely to be overwritten. 0Y is what track the SFX uses(+01: SQ1, +02: SQ2, +04: TRI, +08: NOI). [The Structure of SFX] SFX have a sequentially data made of operation codes and register value. Register value, XX YY, is (8000 + (0 through 7FF)). If XX is 8F, it will do nothing, useful for change operations. Available operation codes are below: 00 XX ... Waits XX frame(s) for play next data. XX shoud be over 02. 01 XX ... Sets a pitch envelope. This is same as music's. 02 XX ... Sets a tone. This is same as music's. 03 XX ... Sets a volume. This is same as music's. 04 NN XX YY ... Loop operation. This is same as music's. 05 WW XX YY ZZ ... Following data is applied a Modulation. 06 ... End of the SFX. ex.) $BB22($33B22): 50 0A 02 00 03 3F 83 8A 00 06 03 3F 80 0A 80 35 00 09 02 80 01 FF 80 05 50 0A ... SFX begins. Strength = 5, Tracks = 08+02 = SQ2, NOI 02 00 03 3F 83 8A ... SQ2 data. Register value works as a separator. 00 06 03 3F 80 0A ... NOI data. The last track should include 00 XX. 80 35 ... The next SQ2 data. 00 09 02 80 01 FF 80 05 ... The next NOI data. The order of track data is SQ1->SQ2->TRI->NOI. ===05 BASE NOTE INDICATOR TABLE=== N/A = no note, too low to make sound key oct note address data 00 N/A $8985 : dw 0000 01 N/A $8987 : dw 0000 02 N/A $8989 : dw 0000 03 N/A $898b : dw 0000 04 N/A $898d : dw 0000 05 N/A $898f : dw 0000 06 N/A $8991 : dw 0000 07 N/A $8993 : dw 0000 08 N/A $8995 : dw 0000 09 o1 a $8997 : dw 07f2 0a o1 a $8999 : dw 07d6 0b o1 b $899b : dw 0714 0c o2 c $899d : dw 06ae 0d o2 c+ $899f : dw 064e 0e o2 d $89a1 : dw 05f3 0f o2 d+ $89a3 : dw 0594 10 o2 e $89a5 : dw 054d 11 o2 f $89a7 : dw 0501 12 o2 f+ $89a9 : dw 04bb 13 o2 g $89ab : dw 0475 14 o2 g+ $89ad : dw 0436 15 o2 a $89af : dw 03f9 16 o2 a+ $89b1 : dw 03bf 17 o2 b $89b3 : dw 038a 18 o3 c $89b5 : dw 0357 19 o3 c+ $89b7 : dw 0327 1a o3 d $89b9 : dw 02fa 1b o3 d+ $89bb : dw 02cf 1c o3 e $89bd : dw 02a7 1d o3 f $89bf : dw 0281 1e o3 f+ $89c1 : dw 025d 1f o3 g $89c3 : dw 023b 20 o3 g+ $89c5 : dw 021a 21 o3 a $89c7 : dw 01fc 22 o3 a+ $89c9 : dw 01e0 23 o3 b $89cb : dw 01c5 24 o4 c $89cd : dw 01ab 25 o4 c+ $89cf : dw 0193 26 o4 d $89d1 : dw 017d 27 o4 d+ $89d3 : dw 0167 28 o4 e $89d5 : dw 0153 29 o4 f $89d7 : dw 0140 2a o4 f+ $89d9 : dw 012e 2b o4 g $89db : dw 011d 2c o4 g+ $89dd : dw 010d 2d o4 a $89df : dw 00fe 2e o4 a+ $89e1 : dw 00f0 2f o4 b $89e3 : dw 00e2 30 o5 c $89e5 : dw 00d5 31 o5 c+ $89e7 : dw 00c9 32 o5 d $89e9 : dw 00be 33 o5 d+ $89eb : dw 00b3 34 o5 e $89ed : dw 00a9 35 o5 f $89ef : dw 00a0 36 o5 f+ $89f1 : dw 0097 37 o5 g $89f3 : dw 008e 38 o5 g+ $89f5 : dw 0086 39 o5 a $89f7 : dw 007f 3a o5 a+ $89f9 : dw 0078 3b o5 b $89fb : dw 0071 3c o6 c $89fd : dw 006a 3d o6 c+ $89ff : dw 0064 3e o6 d $8a01 : dw 005f 3f o6 d+ $8a03 : dw 0059 40 o6 e $8a05 : dw 0054 41 o6 f $8a07 : dw 0050 42 o6 f+ $8a09 : dw 004b 43 o6 g $8a0b : dw 0047 44 o6 g+ $8a0d : dw 0043 45 o6 a $8a0f : dw 003f 46 o6 a+ $8a11 : dw 003c 47 o6 b $8a13 : dw 0038 48 o7 c $8a15 : dw 0035 49 o7 c+ $8a17 : dw 0032 4a o7 d $8a19 : dw 002f 4b o7 d+ $8a1b : dw 002c 4c o7 e $8a1d : dw 002a 4d o7 f $8a1f : dw 0028 4e o7 f+ $8a21 : dw 0025 4f o7 g $8a23 : dw 0023 50 o7 g+ $8a25 : dw 0021 51 o7 a $8a27 : dw 001f 52 o7 a $8a29 : dw 001e 53 o7 b $8a2b : dw 001c 54 o8 c $8a2d : dw 001a 55 o8 c $8a2f : dw 0019 56 o8 d $8a31 : dw 0017 57 o8 d+ $8a33 : dw 0016 58 o8 d+ $8a35 : dw 0015 59 o8 e $8a37 : dw 0014 5a o8 f+ $8a39 : dw 0012 5b o8 g $8a3b : dw 0011 5c o8 g+ $8a3d : dw 0010 5d o8 a $8a3f : dw 000f 5e o8 a $8a41 : dw 000f 5f o8 a+ $8a43 : dw 000e 60 o1 a $8a45 : dw ffff 61 o1 a $8a47 : dw ffff 62 o1 a $8a49 : dw ffff 63 o1 a $8a4b : dw ffff 64 o1 a $8a4d : dw ffff